
Blog :: 2007/09/...

Lab Cam is back
Posted 2007/09/21
Using a borrowed Logitech camera I have resurrected the Lab Cam. These days it points into the PEDAL lab in room 185 at the University of Reading. We have rebuilt it, we have the technology.
Subversion for the IADB
Posted 2007/09/20
I will be making some changes to the IADB so that it works with tighter PHP security and from within the GridSphere portlet bridge. So that more than one person can work on the IADB (historically it has only had one developer) the obvious thing to do is use some [...]
All Hands E-Science - Nottingham!
Posted 2007/09/11
Mark, Mat and Emma attended the 2007 UK e-Science All Hands Meeting in Nottingham Whilst Mat and Emma manned the booth with the VERA posters in the corner, Mark gave a VERA talk in the workshop “VRE’s - where are we now?”. He briefly described the VERA project and then where [...]
VERA University of Reading Bulletin Article
Posted 2007/09/05
An article written by Emma and myself has been published in issue 469 of the University of Reading Bulletin. Click here for a PDF version.
Paranoid backups with rsync
Posted 2007/09/03
Using the same technique I protected my PhD thesis with I have started backing up GridSphere (GS) every hour. When Java apps go wrong they have a tendency to throw massive m=nested exceptions which only make vague sense to the author of the software. Now that I have put some [...]