
Posted 2007/08/16

Skype on the N800

I flashed one of our N800s with a new firmware which supports the official Skype client.

There is a firmware flasher available for Linux, instructions can be found here. Basically you download a new firmware to a Linux PC and then run the flash tool, pretty painless stuff.

crush mjeg # ./flasher-3.0 -F RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.26-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R
flasher v0.8.7 (Oct 17 2006)
SW version in image: RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.26-8_PR_MR0
Image 'kernel', size 1316992 bytes
        Version 2.6.18-200724osso1
Image 'initfs', size 1704576 bytes
        Version 0.94-13
Image 'rootfs', size 87162880 bytes
        Version RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.26-8_PR_MR0
Image '2nd', size 8064 bytes
        Valid for RX-34: 1301, 1302, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1601, 1602
        Version 1.1.6-5
Image 'xloader', size 9088 bytes
        Valid for RX-34: 1301, 1302, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1601, 1602
        Version 1.1.6-5
Image 'secondary', size 95872 bytes
        Valid for RX-34: 1301, 1302, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1601, 1602
        Version 1.1.6-5
Suitable USB device not found, waiting
USB device found found at bus 001, device address 002
Found device RX-34, hardware revision 1301
NOLO version 1.1.6
Version of 'sw-release': RX-34_2007SE_3.2007.10-7_PR_MR0
Sending xloader image (8 kB)...
100% (8 of 8 kB, avg. 2958 kB/s)
Sending secondary image (93 kB)...
100% (93 of 93 kB, avg. 5507 kB/s)
Flashing bootloader... done.
Sending kernel image (1286 kB)...
100% (1286 of 1286 kB, avg. 12486 kB/s)
Flashing kernel... done.
Sending initfs image (1664 kB)...
100% (1664 of 1664 kB, avg. 13757 kB/s)
Flashing initfs... done.
Sending and flashing rootfs image (85120 kB)...
100% (85120 of 85120 kB, avg. 5883 kB/s)
Finishing flashing... done

The N800 has a built in camera so we are hoping that it will be useful in the trench for showing people off site what is going on. Perhaps diggers could ask experts questions and be able to show live video of what they are talking about.

Here is a picture of the Skype client running.

Skype on the N800