
Posted 2006/10/17

Working my way through the wireless sensor network tutorials

I have the development environment working in Linux and am working my way through some tutorials to learn how to write applications for the Mica2 motes. Motes are the boards which you can plug sensors into and Xbow is the manufacturer of our motes.

We have several different bits of kit for building wireless sensors including the standard development kit from Xbow. You write your applications using the nesC language and tinyOS. These applications are cross-compiled and then uploaded to the motes using a serial interface. During the last week I have set up and documented the environment required to work with motes using Linux (this was made easier because of Gentoo). I am now working my way through a series of very well written tutorials which teach you how to be a mote application developer. At the end of each tutorial there is some extra work you can do - kind of like for extra credit, I am taking the time to do these too. So far I have learnt how to flash the LEDs on the mote and read data from the light sensor. I recently wrote some code to make a mote beep if you put it in the dark.

The plan is to continue to work through these tutorials.

Pictures of the motes:

Code documentation:
The tutorials: