
Posted 2005/12/07

How to get better results when benchmarking

I have been working on the Tycho VR for a few days now and this technique has improved the results more than any other.

Benchmarking 101 - make sure you are measuring what you think you are. Bit of extra debugging code and I saw this:

TEST: Loading 5000 fake producers
TEST: Loaded records
VR size: 5001
TEST: Loading 10000 fake producers
TEST: Loaded records
VR size: 15001
TEST: Loading 15000 fake producers
TEST: Loaded records
VR size: 30001

As you can see the registry is not being wiped each time we load new records (the extra 1 is the consumer running the tests BTW). This meant there were more records in the registry than were being recorded in the benchmark. For what I thought was 30,000 records with the newest code we had a latency of 19.8 msecs. It turned out that actually that was 105,000 records (oops). Here are the results with the fixed benchmark:

		Time msecs	Time msecs
Records      	Old		New

1000    	4.0772		3.8278
2000    	4.2952		3.5502
3000		4.8090		3.1882
4000		6.1277		3.4312
5000		7.8638		4.6287
10000		8.2883		4.5805
15000		12.550		5.5181
20000		18.941		6.5174
25000		26.945		7.4013
30000		37.017		8.4157

So the conclusion is if you want to improve your results by 400% tweak your code and then don’t fuck up the benchmarking.