
Posted 2005/11/27

Users just for the Wiki

You can now give someone a username and password which will let them into the Wiki but none of the other private DSG areas. There are many ways this could be done but I went with a .htgroups file. Everyone has an entry in the DSG .htpasswd file:

mjeg@rimmer:secure-htdocs/$ cat dsg/.htpasswd

Full members of the DSG are in the group dsgpeople in the .htgroups file:

mjeg@rimmer:secure-htdocs/$ cat dsg/.htgroups
dsgpeople: mjeg raz rjb helen garry mab dsg aami

The /dsg/ .htaccess file is set to allow people in group dsgpeople access. The Wiki directory has another .htaccess file which allows any valid user.

So if you want to let someone use the Wiki you create a username and password using the program htpasswd (available on rimmer) and append the info to the .htpasswd file.